Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Six-Pack Challenge

The rules are simple. Six Brewers take it in turns to issue a challenge to each other resulting in a six-pack of beer (bottles).

It could be as simple as "Go to the corner shottle bop and buy six bottles of enjoyable American beer." but better if it is something that encourages The Challenged to brew.

Okay, it may be easier to brew a beer yourself than finding an enjoyable American beer in Australia, but you get the picture.

Mine was first and was issued by email. It looked like:

I herewith issue to you a challenge.

I challenge each of you to produce ready for consumption at a time yet to be decided, but likely to be around the end of February or early March, six bottles of a beer made by yourself, that has no less than ten per cent by weight of its grain bill (or grist if you will) a root vegetable. For the purposes of this challenge, a root vegetable shall be anything defined as such by wikipedia, here -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_vegetable . Bulbs and modified stems shall not be considered compliant vegetable matter.

Ideally, aforementioned beers shall be drinkable and enjoyable.

Please acknowledge your acceptance of this challenge by return email at your earliest convenience.

One of The Challenged pulled out. One got an infection in his brew. The rest were tested on the weekend and held in varying esteem.

Michael issued his Challenge verbally. Paraphrasing:

"Brew a beer using three different yeasts."

He's not as verbose as I am.

I like this concept a lot. Six brewers are easy to co-ordinate and constraining what you're brewing in some way means that the output is focussed and to a common thread.